Ancienne Abbaye de Franquevaux Beauvoisin - Camargue
paysage flamads Camargue

Discover the Camargue



A multitude of activities and entertainment await you in the Camargue : picturesque, nature, discovery, events ...

Check out our list of the must in the Camargue !

courses camarguaises

Camargue races

This is a veritable institution.
Here, the bull is at the centre of everything. Unlike bullfights, it is never killed - quite the opposite.
The raseteurs (bullfighters) try to snatch an acorn from around his horns. What an art!
At the end of their lives, the ‘champion’ bulls are sometimes buried in the town centre and a statue is erected in their honour!

ferrades camarguaises


Die Camargue-Bauernhöfe, in denen Stiere gezüchtet werden, können Ihnen die Arbeit auf dem Bauernhof sowie das traditionelle Einbrennen der Zuchtnummer bei den Jährlingen zeigen. Anschließend können sie einen Aperitif und ein traditionelles provenzalisches Essen genießen.

The Mediterranean Sea

Just 25 minutes from Franquevaux you'll find the magnificent eastern beach of Les Saintes Marie de la Mer. This is where the Camargue begins.
With its pink flamingos, sunshine and 360° horizon, this is where you'll find the Camargue, surrounded by rice fields, vineyards, ponds, bulls and horses.
The beach is still unspoilt and the village of Saintes Maries de la Mer will win you over with its charm and authenticity.


Abrivado and festivals in the Camargue

Originally, the Abrivado consisted of driving the bulls from the pastures to the arenas, where the animals had to take part in races in order to make the journey without incident.
The bioù or buòus (bulls in Provençal) were led by a dozen or so horsemen.
When crossing villages, young villagers would often try to make the bulls escape, in order to amuse themselves.
To minimise the risk of their bulls escaping, the herdsmen would have them gallop through the village at the highest possible speed.
Nowadays, Abrivados are specially organised as part of local festivals in many of the Camargue's villages and towns.

vélo camargue


Our region has many small roads with little traffic.
You can ride along the embankment of the Rhône-Sête Canal as far as Aigues Mortes, or put your thighs to the test in the hills of the Costières or the Alpilles.
And it's rumoured that a mountain bike hot spot has been set up near Vauvert.

The Cévennes steam train

Between Anduze and Saint Jean du Gard, about 1h15 from Franquevaux, you can take a fully restored steam train.
The 14 km journey takes 35 to 40 minutes and you can return to the departure point within the day
In the middle of the journey, you can stop off at the Bamboo Grove.
You're already in the heart of the Cévennes and from the bridges and viaducts you can enjoy a memorable view of the valleys and rivers
It's a lovely day out, with picturesque villages and scenery.

The Rhône-Sète canal

It passes just a few metres from the Abbey.
It offers the special spectacle of small barges that seem to sail through the bulls ...

Ornithological park

Open every day of the year, the park offers six kilometres of discovery trails.
A walk at your own pace that's sure to surprise you whatever the season.


Discover Nîmes, its Roman monuments and its arenas

Le pont du Gard

chevaux camarguais

On horseback

The Camargue has a real love affair with horses.
The ‘Camargue’ is a breed of small, rustic grey horse. It traditionally lives free in its native marshes and its genealogy remains a mystery, although it is generally considered to be one of the oldest breeds of horse in the world.
There are many horse-riding opportunities all around Franquevaux. A beautiful horse ride starts just a few metres from the house, where you can discover the Camargue way of life, with bulls in their natural environment and Camargue horses roaming freely.

The Bamboo Garden

Between Anduze and Saint Jean du Gard, about 1h15 from Franquevaux, you can take a fully restored steam train.
The 14 km journey takes 35 to 40 minutes and you can return to the departure point within the day.
This 35-hectare estate is home to rare exotic trees and especially bamboo, some species of which can grow 80cm in 24 hours ...


The bull is an animal whose power has always impressed mankind. On the borderline between the peaceful ox and the wild animal, showing how nature and its violence can sometimes resurface, the bull has fascinated and inspired many artists, such as Goya and Pablo Picasso.
Bullfights were organised in Nîmes and Arles as early as 1854 !
The move to France was not without its difficulties, as it met with a great deal of opposition.
Despite prohibition, many bullfights were organised in the towns of the Midi.

The Avignon Festival

Attend one or more of the events and performances at the Festival d'Avignon.

Arles and the Van Gogh Museum

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